We think it’s FABULOUS that you’re going on this journey together!

Here’s how it will work, if two or more individuals from a single residence want to attend Touring Europe

First, at least one person should register for the complete package or the unit in which they’re interested in attending. This will provide your household access to the Zoom links, etc. necessary for joining each lecture. It will also give the instructor at least one email contact for the household. Register here.

After that, it’s up to each household to gauge whatever feels fair.
You can choose any of the following three options:

  1. Purchase each attendee a spot via the registration page.


  2. Using the link below, add a self-determined fee for the extra person(s) taking the course.


  3. Stick with the single registration fee.

    Whatever you choose, please be sure to email Dr. Wong (hannah.wong@voxomnibus.com) with the additional student’s email address (or simply include it when providing your “extra persons fee”), so that they can get added to the class communication list.

Extra Persons Fee